EL1F Wild Flowers for Lawns

Minimum Quantity: 100g

Maximum Quantity: 50,000g


  • £ / 100g : £24.40
  • £ / 1,000g : £222.00
  • £ / 10,000g : £1,998.00
  • £ / 100,000g : —

For larger quantities please Contact Us

Quantity (grams)
100 - 999
£0.2440 per gram
1000 - 9999
£0.2220 per gram
£0.1998 per gram
100g EL1F Wild Flowers for Lawns

Suggested Sowing Rates

15kg/ha                6kg/acre            1.5g/m2


A selection of wild flowers which grow well in lawns and short grazed turf.

Growing Guide

100% wild flower mixtures are best sown into existing grass or combined with a suitable grass seed mix.

Ground Preparation

When sowing wild flower seed directly into existing grass the site must be carefully chosen and the ground preparation must be good. Select lawns or well managed short turf on poor to moderately fertile soil with a fine sward structure and few perennial weeds or vigorous grasses.

Prepare the ground for sowing in late summer by cutting and/or grazing very hard and create gaps either with harrows or by raking (aiming to create around 50% bare soil). Alternatively spray patches or strips with a herbicide like glyphosate to create gaps in the vegetation.


Sow in the autumn using a 100% wild flower mixture. Bulk up the seed with an inert carrier such as sand to make distribution easier. The seed must be surface sown and can be applied by machine or broadcast by hand. Rolling is not usually necessary.


After sowing continue mowing or grazing as needed, aiming to keep the grass short (25-40mm). The sown flower species are perennial and will be slow to germinate, grow and flower, particularly against the competition from established grasses.

Continue with regular mowing/grazing in the second and subsequent years to keep the sward short. Mowing may be suspended or relaxed for periods of 4-6 weeks in May – July to allow the flowers to bloom.  Resume mowing/grazing once the flowering has gone over or when the grass growth gets too lush.  Heavy quantities of cuttings should be collected and removed from site.