A short to medium height grassland perennial with greyish pinnate leaves and a rounded flower head of small green flowers with bright red styles. The leaves smell and taste pleasantly of cucumber.
NB Until recently this species was know by the old botanical name of Sanguisorba minor.
Habitat Information
This long lived winter-green perennial is found mainly on dry, infertile chalk or limestone grasslands and less frequently on moist calcareous boulder clays. Although its spring growth is relatively slow it continues to grow into summer when other species have stopped or slowed down. It can do this because of its long tap root which allows it to exploit water out of reach to many other species. Salad burnet is most abundant on downland but can also be found in a range of other habitats including meadows, roadside banks and quarries.
Growing Information
Sow at any time of the year. Seed germinates in the spring or autumn.